I've been in the field a lot lately, which is very nice for me but trouble for a blog. I'm also working hard on producing things that I feel actually matter enough to share in a blog. So instead I'm sharing a bit about myself with this list, pilfered from Maja Huse's fabulous blog (go read it ASAP).
1. How old will you be in five years? Thirty-six
2. With whom did you spend at least two hours today? My co-workers, a few people out walking the trails around the lake, and some distant Canada Geese
3. How tall are you? 5'6"
4. What was the last movie you saw? "Bridesmaids," finally. It was funny, but not as funny as it had been built up to be.
5. Who did you call most recently? My supervisor, yesterday.
6.What did it say in the last SMS you got? It confirmed a coffee conversation this evening with my friend Casey.
7. Do you prefer calling or texting? Texting. I am very hard of hearing and have trouble discerning specific sounds if I can't watch a person talk. The phone is very frustrating for me.
8. Are your parents together or split up? Split up. I have a bonus mom who has been in my life for a long time now.
9. When did you last see your parents? November of 2011. That may seem like a long time to some folks, but it's typical for my family. My mother passed away during that month, so that was the very last time I saw her.
10. What colour are your eyes? Dark brown.
11. When did you wake up today? 5:30 AM. Sigh...
12. What’s your favourite place? Outside somewhere, near water, ideally with a sandwich and my significant other.
13. Where do you think you’ll be in ten years? There are a few options. I will sum it all up with "quite far from where I'm sitting right now."
14. What used to scare you most as a child? Aliens, absolutely. The idea that they could tractor beam you up into the air while you were sleeping... awful!
15. Lately, what made you laugh uncontrollably? The last time I seriously lost it laughing was over a YouTube video of goats that sound like people. I laugh a lot, though.
16. What do you wear to bed? It varies.
17. Where have you lived? Washington (San Juan Island), Arizona (Prescott), and California (Los Angeles, Sacramento). Next up: Ithaca, NY.
18. Do you prefer shoes, socks or bare feet? Bare feet. I like socks and shoes just fine, though. I enjoy having to wear socks to be cozy.
19. Are you a social person? No. I am friendly, conversational, and generally interested in other people, but I am not really social. It isn't something I enjoy for the sake of it; it wears me out. I forget names pretty easily. I really like asking people questions, though, if they don't consider endless questions to be rude.
20. Favourite ice cream? We are a gelato household. I like things that involve raspberries and various shades of chocolate. I also like salted caramel.
21. Do you like Chinese food? Very, very much.
22. Do you like coffee? I really like coffee. I like the way it looks, the way it tastes, the way it smells, and the art and science of roasting and brewing it. But I'm only allowed about a cup of decaf a week, for health reasons. It has been a rather sad period of my life. I consider coffee one of the finest things to consume. Only being allowed a small amount makes it very special, however, and I find myself seeking out really great cafes for that one magical cup. I do enjoy it more, because it has been limited.
23. Do you sleep in a special way? Most of the time I don't, but about 10% of the time I have to sleep on my stomach, head facing right, right arm at my side, left arm crooked up by my head. I don't know why. It started last year.
24. Do you know how to play poker? Yes. I don't know the skills to succeed at it, though.
25. Do you want kids? No.
26. Have you ever been in an ambulance? No.
27. Do you prefer the ocean or a pool? The ocean.
28. On what do you spend the most money? Food. I see food like art supplies, and I'm always trying new things. Plus we like to eat out. It's actually pretty expensive and we should start budgeting a lot better, as I'm headed to grad school.
29. What’s your favourite TV show? We don't watch TV. We watch some things on Netflix and Hulu, and I get pretty excited when there's a new "Castle." Other than that, we only watch movies, read, or play games together. Nerds!
30. Who’s the funniest person you know? I'm pretty funny, to be honest. My boyfriend cracks me up a lot, because we've known each other for 12 years and he really gets my sense of humor. Other than that... I don't know Bill Heder personally, but he really speaks to my twisted sense of what is funny. His timing is impeccable.
31. What’s your ring tone? Something dorky from my phone's default choices. I never hear it (see: hard of hearing), so "vibration" is my real ring tone.
32. Do you have any garments from when you were a kid? No.
33. What thing do you have closest to you now that’s red? I really hard to look around. A brochure for Indian Grinding Rock State Park.
34. Do you flirt a lot? I rarely flirt intentionally; I have been with my man for some time now, and didn't even really flirt with him -- we were very close friends for a long time before we started dating. I don't know how to flirt, though I suppose my general good cheer, questions, and frequent joking remarks could be interpreted as flirtation.
35. Do you know how to change the tires on a car? I know how to put on a spare tire, yes.
36. What was the last book you read? I am currently reading "Zero History" by William Gibson. He's one of my most favorite authors. The last book I read and finished was "Just Enough: Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan" by Azby Brown. It's an historic look at Japanese architecture and land management, very interesting stuff with neat little sketches.
37. Do you read the paper? Not routinely. I'm certainly no fan of our local paper.
38. Do you sing in the car? Yes, loudly and poorly.
39. Can you tango? Yes, though I'm better at leading than following because I learned the "male" part for a dance choreography I created.
40. Are you happy? Extremely. I'm just not always cheerful.
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